Ramafood – Explore Fujairah
When I think of Ramadan, my tummy makes sounds – I’m thinking of all the food I’m going to indulge by Futoor time.
Best food is in Ramadan – nobody can argue with me on that. Thats why everyone gains 3-4 kilos in that month alone.
Mum makes this Arabic sweet called Halwah. She says it’s difficult to make because she has to literally slap the dish with a huge spoon for almost an hour until it becomes a Halwah dish. It’s one of the infamous sweets, Here’s how it looks like:
another dish Mum makes is the Balaleet, which I’m sure most of us have tried before. This one is easier to make:
If you want to taste some of the dishes, you can visit her at the Ramadan Food Fest that will be by the Fujairah Corniche area. Her stall name is Halwah Sweets.
Of course, Ramadan isn’t just about food.
Ramadan is the Holy Month of Worship. It is where all deeds double, whether good or bad. It is where we feel more sincere about ourselves, and how we project ourselves.
There is a certain goodness in fasting, and that is when we are in the process of fasting, we get too tired to be anything else that we are not, and I like that feeling of genuineness among all of us.
There is also a certain feeling of silence. Not the bad feeling, just the infinite sound of everything, in a very silent way. It’s the feeling of having everything in place, and everyone in order. It’s majestic.
To everyone I know and to everyone I don’t know, I wish this Ramadan guide you into a discovery journey of yourself. May you find yourself fully intact, with peace inside your hearts.
Whats your favourite dish in Ramadan? I think most of your answers will lead to the Gemat (honey dimples). If i’m wrong, let me know at @Sindiya23 on Instagram.
Until next time, Fajrawis,
Sindiya, The Sign.