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This Rescue Owl Was ‘Too Fat To Fly,’ So The Sanctuary Had To Put Her On A Diet

“She absolutely gorged herself and got very fat. She had a lovely time, but went too far.”

When Suffolk Owl Sanctuary in eastern England was called to rescue a “little owl,” they did not expect to find one that was actually too fat to fly.

According to CNN, a concerned citizen first spotted the poor bird lying helplessly in a ditch. Even head falconer Rufus Samkin, whose team then took the owl in on Jan. 3, believed the bird to be injured at first. There were no wounds to be found, however, leading experts to believe the female owl was simply too wet to fly.

But it was only after a thorough drying-off and complete checkup that they noted the real issue.

According to NBC News, the rescuers weighed the “rather chunky” owl at 245 grams and concluded that it was “simply extremely obese” and thus couldn’t take off. The owl couldn’t even reach the aviary’s perches, which marks the bare minimum for an animal dependent on flight.

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