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UAE sculptures: Camels

The majestic and graceful stride of the Arabian camel takes the centre stage in Downtown Dubai, with Donald Greig’s life-size sculpture titled Camels.

Featuring a trio, including an adult camel, its calf, and another one resting.

The trio of camels weighs 800kg, with each camel as tall as 3m, 1.9m, and 1.3m, respectively. Created in clay over a steel and polystyrene armature, Camels was moulded into silicone, and casted into wax. After dipping each sculpture into 15 layers of ceramic, they were then topped off with molten bronze.

In all, Greig spent eight months creating the original sculpture, and four months for the foundry to be cast in bronze. The models were then treated with various chemicals and heated to create subtle hues of bronze.
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