Sounds of Fujairah
The weary workman’s shovel scoops another load
Into the rock clusters and sandy soil
A tired truck meanders along dusty,
half made roads of the future
Unseeing cars pushing for their rightful place, the
Dangers pedestrians face.
Taxis snaking, horns sounding, prowling for fares.
A cricket match starts on its temporary pitch, the competition fierce, the bowler stares.
Night time is life time
Children in parks, laughter time
Siestas have been taken
A child screams and hides behind a mother’s love
Protection from the snarling, menacing,
unnecessary dog
Stray, hungry, unclean, lost from a once loving
More cars come now, prayers have been said,
rumbling tummies to satisfy
Things to buy, joggers, walkers seldom seen, go
Cats leap from uncovered bins where desperate
nibbles are found.
In Fujairah, there is sound.
This poem was published on the Fujairah Observer Magazine – Issue April 2020
To read the full magazine please click on the link: https://www.fujairahobserver.com/read-magazine/?id=2768