Fujairah covered with dense fog this morning

People in Fujairah woke up to a foggy morning today.
What’s fog?
Fog is a suspension of tiny water droplets that appears as a cloud near the ground. It shares similar characteristics with conventional clouds. This common weather phenomenon occurs in most parts of the world.
How does fog form?
The most common form is the radiation fog, which occurs when the earth’s surface cools the humid air above it. When water vapour (from water bodies or from the soil) condenses, it turns into tiny droplets of water that are suspended in the air. A light wind can stir this chilled air to form a dense radiation fog.
Where does fog occur?
Fog usually forms at a time of high humidity or when the temperature is decreasing. It is generally influenced by water bodies (sea in the case of the UAE), wind, and topography.
What are the different types of fog?
Fogs are classified based on the nature of the cooling that causes condensation.
Radiation fog is formed due to the cooling of the Earth’s surface after sunset. It occurs at night and dissolves soon after sunrise.