Days of the YearInternational days of the year
World Environment Day 5 June

This year Theme: Only one Earth
World Environment Day is celebrated annually on 5 June and is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment.
In the universe are billions of galaxies,
In our galaxy are billions of planets,
But there is #OnlyOneEarth.
Let’s take care of it.
Earth faces a triple planetary emergency:
- the climate is heating up too quickly for people and nature to adapt;
- habitat loss and other pressures mean an estimated 1 million species are threatened with extinction;
- pollution continues to poison our air, land and water.
The way out of this dilemma is to transform our economies and societies to make them inclusive, fair and more connected with nature. We must shift from harming the planet to healing it.
The good news is the solutions and the technology exist and are increasingly affordable.
#OnlyOneEarth is the campaign for World Environment Day 2022. It calls for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet.
Source: United Nations Press release