UAE landmarks: The Falcon Roundabout in Fujairah

The falcon roundabout in Fujairah is appropriately located near the airport.
Like other roundabout art in Fujairah this falcon is an Emirati icon.
Many Sheikhs of the Emirates (notably H.H Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum) have shown a personal interest in the art of falconry and have done much to promote the sport and the care of falcons.
Some Fujairah businesses have adopted the word ‘falcon’ into their name (e.g. Falcon Resin and Adhesive Industry, Gulf Falcon Building Contractors), possibly to indicate to prospective clients that they possess the positive attributes of the falcon.
The falcon is an ancient symbol of strength, speed, focus, freedom and hope, which are all fine qualities to prize when one is driving around the golden falcon in Fujairah.
Source: Fujairah in Focus