Lulu Mall host Nutrifest in Fujairah

Within our strategic objectives of food sustainability and public health, and achieving food security in the Emirate of Fujairah, and activating community partnerships with various entities, the Nutrition Festival in cooperation with Lulu Mall was opened for three days until June 30th, 2024
The festival features many live events and activities, including displaying organic and local food products. The festival has a medical camp for medical checkups, a food street as well as a live cooking workshop for children to teach them food safety best practices, competitions for children, a youth traders event to encourage the youth to showcase their products. The festival also focuses on sustainability. By showing products and tools alternatives to plastics used in preserving food.
This festival comes to improve lifestyles, health, and nutrition and create a special future vision for coming generations and individuals about food safety and health preservation for a lively environment to promote health sustainability and food security.