“Sparklemuffin” and “Skeletorus” are two new spider species
The species are a part of the jumping spider family, belonging to the peacock spider genus. They’re called peacock spiders not only because they are so brightly colored, but also due to their dancelike, courtship rituals. The two new species were found in southeast Queensland by Madeline Girard, a graduate student at the University of California.
It’s not every day that species get such awesome names – but then again, it’s not every day that such awesome spiders are discovered. Two gorgeous new species of spider have been discovered in Australia, and the researchers who made the discovery decided to give them these memorable names.
The species are a part of the jumping spider family, belonging to the peacock spider genus. They’re called peacock spiders not only because they are so brightly colored, but also due to their dancelike, courtship rituals.

Sparklemuffin looks very similar to other known species of peacockspider, while Skeletorus, with its black-and-white coloring, looks entirely different from its genetic relatives.
Skeletorus – a spider unlike anything that’s been reported in biological studies. The species is actually making biologists think there may be more to peacock spiders than previously believed.